We Don't Talk Anymore!
Photo by <a href="https://visualhunt.com/author/e395c3">rema1n5</a> on <a href="https://visualhunt.com/re/c09764">VisualHunt</a> / <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/"> CC BY-NC-ND</a>
Her voice was the sweetest, she smiled the cutest, when she walked, it was like the calm setting in!
We snorted with laughter, roamed the streets with gaiety, she was a dream, of which I starred.
We don't talk anymore, I refuse to understand why. She lives peacefully, I tread sensibly, because she's got a better life for her.
We don't talk anymore, I haven't dealt into the why. She seems to be happy in her space, while I smile at my rat race.
We don't talk anymore, I think the reason was me. I possibly took her for granted, never realized she was an adult with dreams too!
We don't talk anymore, she disconnected from me. For a disturbing digital act, which changed my perception to her, forever!
We don't talk anymore. I did apologize. I went on a knee, to make her realize, I wasn't to blame. Maintaining equilibrium wasn't my forte then, I hold fort better now!
We don't talk anymore, I respect her decision. I miss her ideas, insanity and wild imagination. I wish her ideas are flourishing like her germinating determination.
I'd like to talk to her. I'd like to feel her hand. She can punch me in my midriff, yet I'd still take her for brunch or lunch.
We don't talk anymore; I hope we do in the future. I'll make up for the time lost, with trips of wanderlust, allowing us to reclaim our #relationship mojo!
My heart beats for her, now much more than ever!
#LetsGetTalking by @harryrockerz