Pulsating Mind, Impulsive Reaction!
Photo on <a href="https://visualhunt.com/re/f679f5">Visual Hunt</a>
It's a bit harsh to believe that the mind pulsates at its own pace. Yet, honestly the mind has a ticker of its own. At times, the practical mind leaves everything aside with the hope of taking a decision from the heart.
The heart and mind are seldom in sync. They are not like two peas in a pod, and have conflicts of thoughts always.
Yet let's look at the bright side! The heart beats away at a pace that sustains live, and monitors the chemical balance needed, while the mind is a knowledge hub that defines the absolute worth of a person. This is a melange that makes people more realistic and practical in their approaches. It encourages daredevilry and pushes into the fore, the ideas of taking risks.
Oh so important, to leave a mark in today's world. Maybe at times, an impulsive reaction is a step towards a brighter horizon. A larger than life approach, is needed to live a grand life, that keeps the meter ticking!
The impulse reaction that could define the pulsating action ahead.
#AllAboutLife by @harryrockerz