Giving #Millennials A Twist!

Photo by <a href="">lookcatalog</a> on <a href="">Visualhunt</a> / <a href=""> CC BY-NC</a>

Yes, that crowd again! I'm sure a lot of people by now must be thinking, why is it, that people (writers, bloggers, creative minds) specifically underline and highlight this particular section of society! 
To understand this deeply, we need to realize the potential they have, and the outcomes they can generate. 
Over 60 percent of the Indian population can be categorized under the 'Millennials' tag, with good spending propensity, learning dilemmas and varied career options. 
The millennials do not settle for the ordinary, rather seek the extra ordinary. 
(1) Tech-Savviness: Remember, this generation has grown up watching the cassette player go obsolete in a matter of years, and adopted the iPhone, simply because of its sleekness and the style statement it generates. Technology has been a part of a lot of their decisions, and they know the importance of maintaining their 'A' game
(2) Instant Gratification: The long service awards, and sashes mean nothing for millennials. They need instant results, better career management and more opportunities to prosper
(3) Blunt, in-your-face attitude: Their languid pace isn't the definition of what they can achieve. They manage to get things done, at breakneck speed, and enjoy the process of it happening. Ask any millennial and he/she might like the exhilarating ride that his/her professions provides them
(4) Flexibility at Work/Life: Easy said than done, yet flexibility is the key towards understand most of the millennials. They detest micromanagement and abhor the principles of hovering around people for no reason. They concept of flexi-working, along with trust in their skills, inspires them to stay productive and contribute cohesively.
(5) Wild souls in Wanderlust: Millennials love being free birds, and enjoy exploring the unexplored. Their charm on social media is as important as their game plan in real life. There are no flip sides to their demeanor; what you see is what you get! 
Still not convinced on befriending them? Haha! Chances are you already have, and must have been left awestruck in the manner with which they approach life. 
This section of society is here to stay, and will consistently try to reinvent themselves every year. Watch out for them! Rest assure, you might just fall in love with their progress and lust for life! 
#TheMillennialJive by @harryrockerz


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