Social Media Relationships - A boost to your persona!

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A lot of you might find it odd, and would consider me cuckoo for believing so. Well, not quite!
My world is made up of the wonderful men and women, whom I have befriended online. I'd like to emphasize on the learned individuals I interact with on a regular basis. 
Here's a quick grab of what I learn from them - 
  1. Be outspoken, especially in a world where everyone tries to get the better of the other. Hold on to the ones who genuinely care. They're the people one needs in his/her life!
  2. No creative boundaries, considering the fact that wittiness and humor is always on top here. Stick around with people, who give a creative high always.
  3. Feed off the online wisdom, especially the influencers and verified accounts. The ones who are sorted, will never force their beliefs on you. Exercise caution on what to digest and what to let go!
  4. Reach a wider audience through the networks of followers. The best part of online acquaintances is the possibility of meeting more people, who share common interests and have diverse viewpoints 
  5. Estimated Online Time spent is an important parameter. Having friends across multiple channels is imperative, to use various channels in a better manner. The best part about friends online, is rescheduling schedules to ensure that times match, and the learning continues.
The belief is that online social channels will never let one down, yet it depends on how wisely we use it. Every channel has its charm, however bouts of detox detachment is also advised; if online social relationships take a toll on the minds of people. 
A simple philosophy is - Make time for your loved ones first, take time out to reconnect with online social channels, never fake yourself, and rake in goodwill which can help an individual last within circles for the longest time ever! 
#OnlineSocialRelationships by @harryrockerz 


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