Engulfed in the year end festivities!
Photo on <a href="https://visualhunt.com/re/fd9b30">VisualHunt</a>
Perfect time to connect with people, possibly one of the few instances where being with your loved ones is appreciated, and also the best way to unwind through an exotic holiday.
The season of Christmas festivities are here, and depending on which part of the world you are; almost everyone takes a holiday. Well, I say almost!
Spare a thought for the loners, who've always looked to live life on their own terms, and held relationships dearly to themselves, yet allow their besties to live a life that keeps them happy.
While I continue to write, without taking sides, it's important to realize that the holidays holds importance to people in multiple ways. A lot look at it as an opportunity to travel and get into their wanderlust mode, the culinary experts get into bake mode, trekkers try to give themselves some peaking goals, and sports enthusiasts fill their lungs with fresh air and the thrill of ascend!
The holidays bring families together, those celebrating Christmas or not! I'd give credit to the Gregorian calendar, as the turn of the year symbolises hope, happiness and excitement for the year ahead.
Goals, commitment, aspirations and achievements wrapped with the bow of opportunity.
Cities, towns, countries; colored in various hues of red, pink, green and blue, with the feeling of new all around! 'Tis is what we love.
Well, time for me to pick up some spiced rum, plum cakes, rotisserie chicken/pot roast and indulge in reruns of Christmas classics!
Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noël, and approach the New Year with smiles, happiness, love and lots of gusto! #2018IsLove
#LoveForFestivities by @harryrockerz