Employee Engagement - Necessary Oxygen in a Gas Chamber!

Photo on <a href="https://visualhunt.com/re/47a587">Visual Hunt</a>

Perfect! That's what any organization needs. Employees who seem heavily engaged and totally enchanted by the brand, and love coming to work, every single day. Sounds ideal, doesn't it? 
The definition of an employee in today's context isn't just about knowing thousand names by heart. It's more about connecting with everyone in a direct manner and determining what makes them tick, what ticks them off and their ambassadorship value for the brand they associate with. 
In an ever-competitive market, where human capital is not just an entity, perhaps the most important one to allow an organization to sustain on the long run - Employee Engagement. There are many instances where engaged employees seldom disassociate with a brand, and cases where ambitiously driven individuals join a company on an impact-to-impact basis. 
Quick tips to gauge the engagement levels of an employee - 
  • Participation in micro events, that are not higher management driven, yet more department driven
  • Bringing a difference into various lives by holding community initiatives very close to the heart
  • Ensuring brand development and self sustenance through measures that are important for mutual benefits
  • Never letting go of a chance to firefight; in case of any dispute and putting collective pride before anything else
  • Being a people's person and a dispute resolver at every instance are signs of a seasoned campaigner
On a positive note, an engaged employee is a splendid asset for brands, yearning for talents that are diligent, developing and definitive at every step. Making the most out of engaged employees and creating a bond between personnel and the brand is the key to unlock the happiness chest. 
#EngagedEmployeesEverywhere by @harryrockerz


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