The #Pristine #Blue Lagoon :-)

                                                                Courtesy: Vidya A.P.

Pristine is the water, that trickles into the lagoon, far away from the rising #Japanese mainland

Such shine, clarity amazed, seeing the bottom is a reflection-able insight.

Stacked away from the city hustle-bustle, the water ripples with an air of freshness.

The jaded plateaus, the caving graphite walls, act as layer, against worldly 'fires'!

Vegetation clings, imagination swings, plunging deep into the lagoon, washes sins, giving a hallowed ring!

Pristine be the water, divine be the experience, visit the #blue lagoon under a beautiful full moon!

Clarity in thought, lacunae not sought, demons can be fought, for inner peace that is sought!

Yes, #Pristine #Blue Lagoon, change not so soon, for nature is a room for 'positive thoughts!'

#naturedecoded by @harryrockerz


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