Moderating Our Lives
Photo via VisualHunt
Do we really need to moderate our lives? Are there motives behind doing so? Can this go a long way in creating a more accepting lifestyle?
A moderated life, can it really do us a world of good?
To counter materialism and related consumer habits, it is advised to exercise moderation. It helps put a cap on spending patterns and aligns money management, with daily chores.
Moderation is claimed to be a good reason in avoiding the overuse of natural resources and helps in addressing pressing humane issues like lack of nutrition, sanitation, dispersed housing to name a few. Being moderate in the mechanics of life, ensures everyone leads a peaceful life.
Speaking about life, how much moderation can be entertained? We are always told to live freely and sever from the shackles that pulls us back. Are these mere idioms or is there an ounce of truth, within these beliefs?
Moderate beliefs could be supportive in understanding the perspectives of another individual better, as he/she isn't prejudiced towards certain notions or cultural practices.
However, people in general believe, staying reserved or shell bound is a good way to manage their intentions towards life. Let's look to understand and simplify certain notions:
- One's life isn't defined by the way, he/she lives it, rather it's more to do, with living the best moments in a manner befitting.
- Moderating or doctoring life at each phase is exasperating. It's almost like killing the thrill associated with life.
- Having a wild side is good, however constantly moderating its surfacing, isn't really these best of ideas. Being a daredevil has an arena where it can be portrayed and one must use it appropriately. #wildsidebaby
- Moderation at times, could also be a state of mind, where our gut feeling tells us to 'put on an act.' Let's hope to believe 8 out of 10 times, it's true. In the other two instances, throw caution out of the window and unwind!
Captivate the world, with wanderlust and a freak-a-zoid spirit!
#Treatlifewithkingsizedambitions by @harryrockerz