The #CheatCode, please!
Photo via <a href="">Visualhunt</a>
Dedicated to Srikanth Vadrevu, who woke up at 3 am, couple of weeks ago and gave me an idea to blog about his deepest fear - Being caught 'red-handed' copying in an examination. (P.S. - It never happened, ever!)
Sri was studious boy, from the city of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. He was ambitious and loved juggling between tech devices and tech journals. As his board exams (Grade 10 exams) neared, he felt the need to up his game. Mathematics, English, Regional Languages, Physics, Chemistry were his love, yet Biology played hide-and-seek from him. He put his head into learning anatomy, couldn't ever get the analogy right!
He tried studying about derma, somehow it couldn't become his dharma. When pollination was taught, he was away on a vacation. When reproduction was 'touched' upon, sexual and asexual, he felt no inclination, casual or causal.
What could he do, to make Biology, part of his life's philosophy? One night, before the Biology exam, he woke up and his brain said - Make Cheat Chits, Mama!
For this first time in his life, he felt the urge to thrill his sense,s and make chits to cheat his way through the examination. Sri passionately wrote and drew, in ant-like fonts, the answers and diagrams, which would make him pass. His heart thumped, his throat lumped, however he was a bit pumped!
He sweated throughout the night, indulging in this devious act. As morning approached, he readied himself to the First and Last Cheat Day of his life. He sat in the bus, counted his prayers and reached the glorious school gates.
As he sat for his exams, shoving the cheat chits under his shirt's collar, he shivered and trembled, for at stake was his studious boy reputation. To his luck, the question paper was lame, and very easy-peasy!
He began scribbling his answers, faster than ever, as he enjoyed the paper being to his liking. An hour and a half passed. Sri was about to complete the penultimate question. He felt the urge to check, if the answer he wrote as per his rote, was perfect. He slid his fingers into his collar, looked around and flicked couple of chits down.
To his aghast, the cheat chits flew away at a distance, in front of the prying eyes of the invigilator. Acting like nothing happened, he continued to write his paper, with the hope that no one noticed.
5 minutes later, the invigilator came, bent down and picked up the chits. As he unfolded the chits, Sri's hands trembled and he perspired like a wild boar. He turned his head away and hoped to write away. The invigilator came closer and placed his hand on Sri's shoulder.
Sri's eyes popped out and he screamed, "Ayyo Saar, Naa Cheat Maadilla, Chittso Illa." (Please Sir, I didn't cheat, I have no chits).
The next moment, his Mother bolted into the room and shrugged him off his bed. His blanket was wet with sweat, and so were his sheets.
He looked around and saw the sun shining. It was only a dream. His reputation was intact, and it was time that his mind's cataract be removed. He prayed to the Lord to be honest, and wrest away any thoughts of being dishonest.
"Honesty pays, and brings glory days", he said to his Mother. She smiled and gave him #soodukappi to drink!
Sri is happy now and feels jittery whenever his recalls this dream. Some dreams, are best thrown out of the system and locked away in a chest, forever!
Pursue your ambition, perform good work and see life progress at express speed!
#DreamsNStoriesofLife by @harryrockerz