Khichdi is #soulfood!
Photo by <a href="">Devika_smile</a> on <a href=""></a> / <a href=""> CC BY-SA</a>
What were the odds of khichdi, ever becoming so famous? By the way, how did this happen, and when did it take this trip to #foodnirvana?
The humble and plain Jane looking, #khichdi (sweet/salt rice porridge) is now the National Food of India, however orgasmic or ornamental the claim may seem.
I assume; and these are just varied thoughts, that what went in its favor is the ease of preparation, using minimal ingredients, with maximum nutritional value.
I always wondered if #khichdi was a North Indian thing, however info-graphics and stats released by the Government and food industry related bodies, do paint a different picture. #Khichdi is practically consumed in various avatars, across the country, with addition and subtraction of ingredients, to satiate the appetites of vegetarians and carnivores alike!
The amalgamation of rice, dal/kidney beans, with turmeric, salt, black pepper, and a hint of curry leaves, makes for a sumptuous dish, any time of the day. The sweet variant (Sakkarai Pongal, as it is known in Tamizh Naad), can whip up quite some takers in a matter of seconds.
While Government officials, who man/woman the food industry, along with saints and brands, created a world record of sorts, at the World Food Fair 2017, I was left stunned at the gimmickry and marketing strategy that went into elevating this humble dish, to Godly status.
I wonder why, and find no answers in sight. All I can do is sigh; and watch the plight of the people, munch and slurp, which the hope that the khichdi is well cooked!
Nothing for the dish, nothing against the dish. Just curious if the "National Food" tag, will do wonders or open a can of 'beans' for verbal battles on food. The #foodblogger in me, shivers!
Let's hope everyone stays sane, after a whiff of the bubbling khichdi. Till then - Care for 'khichuri,' pile on the 'pongal,' and kiss away to the #Khichdi at bay!
#KhichdiConsumerism by @harryrockerz