My Anthem, My Respect. Get them standing!
Photo by <a href="">Earth Hour Global</a> on <a href="">Visual hunt</a> / <a href=""> CC BY-NC-SA</a>
It's a sorry state of affairs, especially when citizens debate on the topic of the national anthem, thinking of it as fool's paradise. I'm honestly glad a woman (more specific: an actress) has come out in the open and said that moral policing and forcefulness cannot be resorted to; in order to make an individual have national pride.
Trust me, the love for the country lies in the psyche and heart of an individual. He/she seeks nationalism to connect with the motherland, and pay respects for being a "son/daughter of the soil."
However, asking to display forced national pride, No Sir! Doesn't work that way.
We are all proud to be citizens of a nation, that deals with controversies over tea, on a daily basis. Let's not make national pride, prime time news; just for the sake of grabbing eye balls.
I continue to admire my country, sing the anthem on special days, stand up with my fists clenched downwards, and my head slightly bowed, when played at functions. I'd like to believe I represent the nation well, whenever I have been given the opportunity, and will never chide on it, in public; no matter how many issues it reels under.
Pushing for the blanket rule on playing the national anthem in cinema halls, just for kicks, can't be the right way to instill pride for the nation. We have schools, colleges and educational institutions who can/are helping.
(i) Talk up to fledgling minds, make them understand the importance of the national anthem and the sweat and toil that went behind making this nation free. (ii) Identify youth who can take the nation ahead, with their intellect, wit, diligence, tenacity and pride. (iii) Let the citizens live freely, knowing that their nation thinks of their welfare, and much beyond.
Forced nationalism is as crazy at is seems. Citizens can decide what's right for them. All they need is the Government to give them avenues to prosper.
The anthem debate needs to find an answer. We all love the "tune of the nation" that binds us together. It's a sanctum sanctorum, and people will respect it; just don't force it down their throats.
Salute to the nation, which looks at citizens' freedom is greater light than all other matters. Sing the anthem, and let pride swell, however at the right moment, when the nation unites!
#MyAnthemMyChoice by @harryrockerz