We Shall Overcome - Yes, Definitely!
Photo: Via VisualHunt
As people of the world, there are incidents that leave us burned, bruised and tattered. There are natural calamities and attacks on humanity, leaving our spirits in shambles. There are incidents, whose scars promise to heal with time, yet, it takes much more time than anticipated. There are support systems, that promise to be at our aid, whenever needed, however, we understand that it cannot be possible always!
In spite of all that transpires within our ecosystem and beyond, we pick up the shattered shards of our lives, with the hope of putting it back together!
Yes, we believe that we shall overcome!
Never before has humanity seen so much death and destruction, never before have we seen this magnitude of wrath of Mother nature, and never before have souls been punctured to such an extent, that living each day, becomes a scathing misery.
Forced crashes into towers, attacks on public transportation systems, monuments and fresco-restored buildings; climate going haywire, houses and trees being uprooted and gusty winds blowing people off their feet. It's squeezed the humankind, so much, that they've begun to believe, what are we doing wrong?
Yet, we all believe that we shall overcome. It's the bright sunny day, after the tropical storm, which shines brights and beams on our faces; it's the indomitable spirit, within us, which makes us roll our sleeves, dust off ill memories and return to our trade. It makes us believe, we are destined for better things.
We are in a world, that promises much and delivers much beyond more, if we put our hearts and souls, in the right place! Devastation and doom, can be replaced by dandelions and definitive moments, that leave lasting memories, which can be cherished.
Yes, WE, collectively as a unit, demand respect as the fabric of humanity! Yes, we shall overcome and make a better world, for us, our children and the generations that will grace Mother Earth in the future.
Yes, we shall overcome! Definitely, recreate the magic in the world that shall leave everyone mesmerized and convinced, that there ain't no better place than the world we live in.
#AmenToThat. May Grace, Peace and Prosperity be with all of us, for years to come. #BlessTheWorld, Oh Sweet Lord!
#HumanityHearkening by @harryrockerz