#DigitalDreams, #DigitalDeeds, #DigitalMe

Photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/jdhancock/16258886941/">JD Hancock</a> via <a href="https://visualhunt.com/re/f96191">Visualhunt</a> / <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/"> CC BY</a>
The completion of an assortment of assessments is always a good time to retrospect on the course of learning prevalent within the lesson/(s). 
In my case, the new found learning has opened me to the world of digital technologies, albeit a little later than expected, yet, better late than never! With the world, speaking about digital transformation and how businesses must be ready to adopt them, it's imperative to understand that, for #digital to grow within an organisation, it must become a part of the culture on an organisation. The method of imparting education, must match up to the growing technologies around us. 
A series of videos, imparting knowledge and deciding how much an individual has learnt, through objective type questions, is an easy, quick and cost-arbitraging method to generate better interest and keep people engaged. 
Understanding the expanse of digital technologies, right from its core concepts, till organisation specific service offerings, acts as a trampoline to catapult learning in this new age, while giving the organisation and its employees the necessary advantage within the ecosystem
Definitions of terms, technology derivatives, their need and applications in the real world, in totality must be understood, never undermined and not undervalued. Clearer the understanding, better are the chances of having good conversations with peers, and this allows learning through word-to-mouth too!
In the whole process, picking on the right brains to imbibe best learning practices, makes digital literacy all the more exciting. Do remember, all this learning comes at the cost of doing away with the comfort zones we all live in, and needs us to reclaim our mojo towards starting our learning slate, absolutely clean! 
It's been a belligerent beginning for me! The experience of taking the online tests, with the intent of imparting necessary skills to employees in the right way, is gradually picking pace and everyone is looking to do their bit in promoting the right way to approach, i.e. #ThinkDigital to realize #DigitalDreams by good #DigitalDeeds for a better #DigitalMe! 
Let's take baby steps towards a change, that we shall be proud of, much later in life. #ThankYourConscience
Time to begin, it's time to become a #DigiChamp
#DigitalEuphoriaAcrossTheWorld by @harryrockerz


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