Indian Kids - Soft targets in a savage world!
Photo credit: <a href="">Philippe Put</a> via <a href=""></a> / <a href=""> CC BY</a>
Dear Kids,
As a potential father in the future, I am shell shocked and totally speechless regarding all that you face, as growing toddlers these days. The ghastly throat slitting and molestation acts are absolutely unwarranted for, and just not acceptable!
We send you kids to school, with the hope that you are safe, find a good environment to study and determine a potential path, that will allow you all to succeed in the future.
We, as parents, have a part of us, constantly thinking, about your welfare every hour of the day. You kids are so close to us, that even a morsel of food, can't go down our throats without seeing or thinking of your cherubic faces.
I shudder to think of the kind of people, that you encounter at school daily. Pedophiles, a few potential predators and even the most dangerous of all, the sexual offenders. At your young, tender ages, it's difficult to determine "Good vs Bad" touch, however I urge you all to please speak to us, your parents.
We might be so engrossed in our lives, however, we can always take time out for you. At the beginning, it might be effort-filled, yet rest assured, you are our most beloved possessions, and we love you beyond the preciousness of diamonds.
- Create a circle of trust with Mom, Dad and your Grandparents. Do not confide to anyone else
- If anyone ever, touches you or man-handles you in an inappropriate manner, and if we aren't around, yell in the loudest voice possible
- Don't accept sweets, chocolates or snacks from people, you've never met before. We can have all the chocolates, fruit juices and tasty dishes at home, when we are together
#StaySafe kids, as parents we love you so much and wouldn't want anyone to even breathe on you in an disadvantaged manner.
You all are the future and we would love to see you prosper in a world, that is morally sound, and positively competent to give you all opportunities to soar and achieve maximum glory.
#LoveYouKiddos by @harryrockerz