Using Vulnerabilities To Your Advantage
Photo credit: <a href="">barbasboth</a> on <a href="">VisualHunt</a> / <a href=""> CC BY-NC-ND</a>
Surprised? Yes. Think I'm cuckoo? Well, don't pass that judgement just as yet. Read through what I feel could really raise the bar of your happiness and make your realize your true worth.
At times, your real vulnerabilities are your greatest teacher and your hardest taskmaster. These vulnerabilities can cage your thoughts and shun your very actions to push your life to doldrums. But the fact of the matters lies in realizing them and making them a part of your life, by of course working on them.
What Is Your Vulnerability?
If I were to put it down to a language that made it understood by all, I'd define vulnerabilities as a chain of reactions that are cannoned loosely with no particular outcome in sight. Vulnerabilities have the tendency to bog your down, deter productivity, shun your away from the public eye and make you remorseful. Vulnerabilities at certain times, can even be life threatening or career altering. The key lies in working on them to your advantage.
Here's how it can be done -
- No Vulnerability Too Large: Everyone has a part of them or a quality that prevents themselves from painting a true picture of themselves. Identifying those vulnerabilities and marking them out for improvement is the most essential step
- Regime To Eliminate: Find and create a regime to work on the outlined vulnerabilities. It's important to chart a plan for every vulnerability in your conscience
- Confide to the Most Trustworthy: We all need friends to confide our deepest and darkest secrets and receive a few soothing words. Mark out those who truly believe in you and value emotions. These individuals are your springboard to a better life
- Victory over Vulnerabilities: Don't be harsh on yourself. Every vulnerability can be worked upon and eliminated. It's all about acknowledging them, keeping them close to your heart as a reference point and finding ways and means to deal with them
- Be Wild to Bedazzle: We all wish to portray the best version of ourselves for the world to acknowledge and know more about. Keeping egos aside and working constantly to be a better person on a daily basis, can help us bedazzle in the eyes of the world
So yes, vulnerabilities needn't kill your softly. They can be managed, used to channelize your energies, remind you of pitfalls and help reap a truckload of happiness by overcoming them, step by step.
Anything is possible in this world. It's all about believing in yourself.
#YouCanDoItVeryWell by @harryrockerz