
Showing posts from January, 2018

Grinding Your Thoughts

Photo on <a href="">Visualhunt</a> We all have a plethora of thoughts that cloud our minds over many hours of the day. These thoughts could be random, structured and multi tiered, based on the content that defines them. On a regular day, these thoughts could be about routines, tight deadlines and maybe even impending and future goals. What are thoughts? A simple opinion that occurs in the mind, due to deep thinking or possibly through an instant flash. The idea is generally to convince the mind that its worth delving deep into this concept. Educators and industry professionals in general have a very good way of assimilating their thoughts under one basket, using a grinding force in their minds. This 'grinding' isn't your regular stone crushing kinds one becomes acclimatized too, it's the mish-mashing of a plethora of thoughts that goes into keeping the mind ticking! Why should we grind those thou...

#TIMESUP, folks!

Photo credit: <a href="">Ruben Dario Bedoya Cortes</a> on <a href="">Visualhunt</a> / <a href=""> CC BY-NC-ND</a> Last year, was a watershed moment for Hollywood, with  Ashley Judd ,  Salma Hayek ,  Taylor Swift ,  Sarah Fowler , and other strong willed women from different walks of life coming out in the open and speaking without fear about the assault, abuse, and hatred they faced from sections of their fraternity, for being a woman. They voiced their horrid experiences faced due filming movies, meeting producers, working in offices and much more. Their accounts show an extremely misogynistic side of the entertainment industry and corporate world, which unfortunately hasn't got out of the #male supremacy rut; in spite of the  21st century turning 18.  While the TIMES magazine hailed an...

Pessimism as a Springboard!

Photo credit : <a href="">Victor Valore</a> on <a href="">Visualhunt</a> / <a href=""> CC BY-SA</a> My conversations across the boardroom have always been filled with optimism that circulates through the vents of humanity; in a manner fulfilling and heartfelt. In regularity, I have always come to believe that #optimism might take us all to the zenith of success, as were strive to find our individuality among the sea of curious humanity. But then, I was brought down to earth when someone told me, pessimism could be your actual bet to a life better lived! When did Pessimism cross the road? A pessimist is someone who you'd befriend on a regular basis. Chances are he/she has a skewed opinion at everything that happens and everything that breathes. The glass is half empty always, with no chance ...

Using Vulnerabilities To Your Advantage

Photo credit : <a href="">barbasboth</a> on <a href="">VisualHunt</a> / <a href=""> CC BY-NC-ND</a> Surprised? Yes. Think I'm cuckoo? Well, don't pass that judgement just as yet. Read through what I feel could really raise the bar of your happiness and make your realize your true worth. At times, your real vulnerabilities are your greatest teacher and your hardest taskmaster. These vulnerabilities can cage your thoughts and shun your very actions to push your life to doldrums. But the fact of the matters lies in realizing them and making them a part of your life, by of course working on them. What Is Your Vulnerability? If I were to put it down to a language that made it understood by all, I'd define vulnerabilities as a chain of reactions that are cannoned loosely with no parti...

Rolling with Emotional Resilience

Photo on <a href=""></a> Not everyone's cup of tea! Actually, never something one can bet his/her life on, however being resilient to the wave of emotions one goes through, during the travails of life, surely defines his/her character of managing the grills associated with life. What is Emotional Resilience? One could Google up this term and find a million of answers to support their inquisitiveness. However, let me attempt to dumb it down to a layman's understanding - Putting well being ahead of the stress of life, without closing on the issues that can plague the happy times Rewinding into the old times, without the intent of carrying any baggage that could be detrimental to one's progress Revisiting one's conscience to dig deeper into the crevices that may have developed over sustained periods of time Experiencing a mental strain that shall define the 'threshold' value o...

Prepping up for an event!

                            Photo on <a href="">VisualHunt</a> Yes indeed! The year's begun on a rather sober note, and well no one seems to be complaining. As long as the meter is running and work keeps flowing in, I'd like to believe that things are shaping up for the best.  What also begins are the preparations for a marquee, revered and innovation laden contest, where Science and Engineering students from across the country participate, to be recognized as young innovators and pioneers of the future.  Indeed, these students are at the cusp of beginning their careers with ambitions of making it large; monetarily, intellectually and professionally. Furthermore, their hope is to feed off from the interactions they will have with their peers, technologists, industry veterans and tech mavericks; who literally live, eat and breathe technology....

Being on Top of It! #LifeGoals

Photo on Visual Hunt Don't get any ideas guys!  Getting on top of a lot of chores and especially those which are life-changing can be quite a task. The idea of being on top of things is to set pace to a life that is seemingly glorious at every step.  For that glorious, free, body hugging, love and embrace sort of life we all need, what's important is putting our mind and body to perfect themselves on being in the present. Not easy as it looks! Where the mind wanders, the body saunters. Where the body pushes its limit, the mind bears the brunt. Yet, we are made to believe that the mind can go through a quagmire of emotions, allowing the body to relax and re-flux; basis everyone's threshold value.  We've heard the mind and body talk on multiple occasions, however what can be done to ensure we are on top of our lives -  Break the Bullshit : Definitely doesn't come easy. We're surrounded by a lot of nonsense, that isn't especially needed for us...

My Legit Relationship!

                         Photo credit:  Belinda Novika  on  Visual Hunt  /  CC BY-SA My lust was unholy, Yet my admiration was pure.  Our romance sizzled for years, Yet uncertainties fizzled it out like a cold stare!  What once united us, brought us total despair.  The ignominy of our love bloom, lay nude within insecurities and gloom!  Fornication never crossed our minds, never did also vilification. Yet, we distanced ourselves for peace and parity, to allow for sanity and thoughtful clarity.  Never did we look back, seldom did we fall back; to those glorious memories chained with melodies; for we rose above the fallacies and heartbreak remedies, hoping to find Nirvana, through a hallowed aura!  Our love shall unite, and ever so delight the future that shall follow. Rule like the pharaohs, chirp like sparrows and pierce through li...

Communal Imbalance in our society!

Photo by <a href="">Redfishingboat (Mick O)</a> on <a href="">VisualHunt</a> / <a href=""> CC BY-NC</a> Disturbed, disdained, distorted and divided in opinion with people on the violence that has marred Maharashtra over the past many days. Cities coming to a standstill, leaders of right wing groups agitating mobs, who pelt stones at average people, just to create a tense situation and leave the social fabric tattered.  I'm not getting into details of why the clashes began, which was unfortunately incited during the celebration, or commiseration of the  Battle of Koregaon , 200 years ago. One section of society calls it their  watershed moment , while the other call it a  loss of sheen moment  for their ancestors.  Such was the difference of opinion between these two sections of society, which...

Automate. Assimilate. Co-create

                        Photo by <a href="">Peter Kurdulija</a> on <a href=""></a> / <a href=""> CC BY-NC-ND</a> A lots been said about automation and the inclusion of robotic engineering, which will make tasks in daily life and play, much easier, allow us neanderthals to lift our heels, and sip those margaritas on the beach side more often.  There is also one section of the society, which is very wary of the fact, that jobs could be effected, and individuals who have been essential operators of machinery and production processes, will be redistributed and left with little or no jobs at all. While scary a prospect it may seem to a larger part of the crowd, what's important to understand is that - Automation is a subset of the implementatio...

Creating Great Workplace Meetings!

We're in an endless warp-hole of meetings in our jobs. We tend to get into too many meetings, just to align our thoughts, and get everyone on one page. Make no judgments, I respect meetings, considering the fact that they give an individual the opportunity to sit in a conference room/board room, enjoy the pleasures of a good cooling system, and treat themselves to some hot coffee and sandwiches.  But then, that's where the glee flees away.  You'd ask why, and the reason I despise meetings. Well, I don't, and honestly there isn't a better way to gather people together. But the matter of fact, is making everyone a participant which is challenging, and mostly 90 percent of the people, barring the notes maker and the high tone speaker; everyone else seems to be in their own sweet worlds, trying to make sense of the quagmire of conversations that happen during the duration.   I've come to believe, longer the duration of a meeting, the more tense and ...