The Equator of Love
Photo via VisualHunt
Not too long ago, during a coffee break at work, a colleague popped a question, which would make men guffaw and strike it away, without giving it much of a thought.
The question was on the lines of relationship building, and was an honest attempt to get views on the best way on should approach a marital relationship.
What transpired were a series of thoughts that covered a lot of taboo-ed topics of the last generation, yet are spoken much more in the open these days - Drawing a invisible lines between past flames and the current dame.
It's important to take note that all debating individuals were men between the age groups of 27 to 35, so a scope for a healthy argument did exist.
Here were a few inferences:
(i) One person believed that not speaking about his past, with his better half, ever, would be the best way of taking the relationship ahead
(ii) One individual believed being honest 90 percent, without divulging too much many details and masking the past, would work well
However, 2 individuals believed in the 'circle of faith,' which meant partners should pour out their heart, and begin with a clean slate to pursuit a relationship ahead! Or like it was discussed - Drawing the Equator of Love.
Digging deeper into this concept, The Equator of Love could be understood in this manner -
(I) Leave nothing to destiny - In this case, it means discussing the minutest of details, in terms of ex-flames, past dames, one night stands, two night long drives and all the crazy stuff connected with youthful stances. Being true and honest in every attempt to make the relationship work
(II) Swipe under the carpet, NOT! - An end-to-end spring cleaning of either partners' minds, and not keeping any dark secrets, which could also include talking about any kinky stuff or brushes with the law, so to speak
(III) Wiping the slate clean - Beginning every relationship with trust, gives it the thrust to move ahead. Chalking words of love, wisdom and togetherness, under one common sigh of breath is perhaps the most essential component to take the marital relationship ahead
(IV) Balancing Compromises - Basically, understanding the likes, dislikes, moods and needs of each other, without having to look at each other in the eye. A telepathic sort of conversation, where both parties understand what clicks and shall tick for the longest possible time
(V) Being the Founder, not Floundering - To spice up a relationship, always finding something new to do, scheduling a surprise, pecking without any intimation and being by each others side, whenever needed. Most of all, empowering each other to take care of one's self, without being too overdependent on the other, is the best gift that couples could give each other. Also, keeping strict boundaries on any thoughts of backtracking to the old self, and giving each other the space and respect needed, works in following a principled line of thought
Circling back to the conversation, that particular day I learnt that relationships must be treated on merit and giving some breathing space to grow on each individual is important. I am absolutely happy that this topic came up and would be glad to implement the positives that came out of the discussion within the mechanisms of matrimony.
Learning to love each other better, surely works in the advantage of couples prospering in the future.
#OfLoveNRelationships by @harryrockerz