My Freedom, My Choice, My Nation!
Photo via VisualHunt
#IndiaAt71, that's some number to reach, with exploring just half of its potential!
Yes, I say this very honestly. The kind of success (and lots of brickbats, too!) the Golden Bird nation has achieved in the past 70 years, is something for the record books, however a treacherous journey lies ahead.
Freedom had been achieved in 1947, however, the question is how well did the citizens of the nation utilize it? Communities have lived peacefully for years, only to find that certain sections of the society, aren't too happy, with what has transpired over the years.
#Communaltensions have arisen aplenty over the years, that one wonders, is India, still a poster boy of #bhaichaara or brotherhood?
Are the citizens, free to exercise goodwill and do what they please, within the boundaries of democracy? Can someone raise a voice today, for a certain method of development and assure that he/she will be heard?
Are religious beliefs being forced upon people, without taking their consent? Are we united enough to understand that all religions have a way towards enlightenment and we need to respect it better? #thoughtprovoking
However, the chances of development are encouraging for the nation! The next couple of years hold the key. The right and immediate use of freedom is needed.
Ensure that petty politics, communal disharmony and reservations, do not shunt the wave of development. Gather everyone together, with the hope to sustain a nation, where good ideas are nurtured and positive sentiments are appreciated.
Keep timelines for growth, adhere to them and consider nation building as a part of one's life sustenance.
Push away non-liberal thoughts and radicalism. Make sure that no one brings ancient and outdated beliefs within the periphery of development.
If we, as individuals want the nation to prosper, we need to put our best foot forward and use #freedom to our advantage!
Make our freedom count! Count our blessings! Bless the motherland, with our ideas to make it stand out and shine!
#FreedomofChoices by @harryrockerz