Compassion and Technology. A May-December Romance?
Photo credit: <a href="">snakegirl productions</a> via <a href="">Visual hunt</a> / <a href=""> CC BY-NC</a>
My head spins on thinking about it. And is there a possibility that this exists? Compassionate moves in a technology inspired world. I simply find it hard to comprehend. 90 percent would like to believe this doesn't exist. The other 10 percent are perennial optimists!
In a world of cut throat competition and dandy democracy, there is no way, compassion can feature in the Top 5 emotions list of the C-suite. Advancements in technology are making or have made people more self-centered, materialistic and too engrossed in their devices. Also, the idea of learning and sharing is met with a raised eyebrow, and at times mocked to an extent, where morals are questioned.
It's hard enough that technology is isolating a lot of souls, making individuals susceptible to the pressures of daily life and keeping them miles away from compassionate measures.
However, hope is a funny thing. The melange of technology and compassion does exist and I'm lucky to have witnessed it first hand, especially on social media channels. The melange makes for great viewing, as people take to forums to understand how technology is a change-constant and compassion is a bodily emotion. The edifice of technology continues to be built, as it is on a constant battle with improvement, yet, women/men have compassion in built, or have been cultured with it, for long.
The truth on the sidelines is, reiterating the message that technology is a change enabler for communal harmony is extremely essential. Like a #GoGetterGirl, once told me - Make it a habit to empower the next person, with knowledge of a good kind. She/he will thank you for a lifetime. All of this, can be done perfectly when technology and compassion do the tango and have their steps in sync.
Yes, it is possible to have technology and compassion in one room, and impact communities in a big way, without losing the essence of humanity.
The chances of getting together are multi-fold, and the currency of love shall fill pockets of everyone's hearts.
#TechNCompassionPitchTogether by @harryrockerz