God's Offerings | Lord's Blessings
A palm full of Godliness!
The concept of #prasadam or #prasad in temples isn't new. As a matter of fact, every religion believes in sharing with its disciples the blessed 'offering' that encapsulates the love and belief of followers of a particular religion. 😇☺😃
These offerings are manifestations of beliefs that beget an opportunity for disciples to connect with the supreme force. ⛪⛩🌅
Offerings needn't be pompous or glamorous in their outlook. They must define the aura of divinity - visible from the eyes of disciples. At times, a spoonful of puffed rice, shekels of coconut, a pinch of sweetmeat or holy water is good enough to realise how connected a disciple is with the creator. 👼
When matters of belief creep in, people in general border their concerns within the boundaries of their religion. What baffles my conscience is - all religions emphasize on the attributes of love, peace and unity; isn't it natural to open our hearts to the various methods of remembering the Lord? 🙋🙌👪
Bowing towards the direction of Mecca, crossing our heart, placing our forehead on the replica of the Guru Granth Sahib, wearing a skull cap and folding palms in front on an idol are all forms of experiencing the Lord's divine presence.💢💫💚
Aren't offerings shared with disciplines yet another way to receive the message of love through the 'grand canyon' that nourishes our bodies? 👏👄👀
Think about it! Every offering is an opportunity to ostracize any non-positive inhibitions and build a nation where all religions are accepted with purity of the heart. #LiveLifeInPeace ✍👍💟