The #MotherofGods has arrived!

Photo credit: <a href="">Abhishek Shirali</a> via <a href="">Visual hunt</a> / <a href=""> CC BY</a>

It's the season of festivals in India, and one cannot ignore to notice, how Navratri ( The 9-day fasting ritual) and Dussehra (Victory over Evil) will be celebrated with much pomp and splendor!
Navratri marks the days of fasting, to appease the 'Mother' (Durga, Saraswati, Lakshmi and their various forms) and packs in a punch with dance festivals across various sections of the nation. #Garba (folk dance) is played with much enthusiasm, as men and women gather together, and perform synchronized moves to match, with the tunes. #Dandiyas (fancy sticks) are carried, while performing these dance moves. Community dance gigs involve creating a human chain, where everyone gets together and "tunes" these sticks to create a clapping noise, which is so synonymous to the spirit of Dandiya. The dance fervor is a mark of respect to the Mother, showcasing that her disciples respect her and are thrilled to be celebrating her arrival and presence. 
The food (during Navratri) is made of basic condiments like salt, pepper, and alternative flours. Spices are avoided and meat is abstained for 8 days. Vegetarianism is proposed, as the Mother looks to get her disciples to eat minimal and commonly available foods. 
The last day of Navratri - also called Dussehra marks the Raavan Dahan or (Triumph of victory over Evil). Legends have it that, on this particular day, the 10 headed demon was slayed by Shri Ram, the unanimous and most loved ruler of Ayodhya, and the whole city became prosperous again, thanks to the blessings of the Mother and the valor of Shri Ram.
This season marks some great festivals and their derivatives in India. People are urged to immerse themselves into the experience and get a first hand view of the rich culture, heritage and tradition that India can offer. 
As the Mother arrives, let's bow to her and pay our respects to the energy, belief and love that she carries. Let us strive to be good disciples of hers and share the message of peace and love among all. 
#9dayculturalsunburn by @harryrockerz


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