Marching Ahead for a #Change Desired!
The inauguration day in Washington D.C. on January 20, 2017, ha s opened up some issues which could define the course of the next four years for America and certain parts of the world too! #WomensMarch is one of the anti-Trump tirades that have begun and looks to give back with interest at the disturbing comments made by the President-elect during the course of his campaign. Better respect, compassion towards their methods and improved human rights seem to be the strong initiatives supported by #WomenMarch. Hopes are pinned on people, who will look to ensure that women are represented in better light, during the Trump administration. 😌🙄👊🏻 Closer home, the #MaiBhiBaaharNiklungi campaign has built some steam after the ghastly attacks on women in Bengaluru on New Year's Eve 2017. Freedom of speech, right to free movement and improved plight of women rights are some of the major topics to be touched upon. For a better India, the #women need to be respected and consider equ...