The Triple Strike-off Ends!

                                                                Photo via VisualHunt

Justice has been served and Indian women of the Muslim faith have their dignity restored. No more shall they be subjected to the non-Koranic, age old divorce settlement which was a ludicrous way of parting away from a relationship. 
The #TripleTalaqVerdict is a landmark achievement by the Supreme Court, which has been given in the favor of women, to restore sanity and allow for a more amicable way of sorting differences that crop up during a relationship. 
#TripleTalaq (#TTT) does not find any mention in The Holy Koran and is even an abolished practice in neighboring Muslim countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan. What made #TTT last for so many years in India, leaves everyone baffled!
According to the now defunct #TTT practice, a man could end his relationship with his spouse by saying the word 'Talaq' (divorce) three times, in a flow, not necessarily in- person. It could be done over the phone, on Skype or rather, any means of communication, even over a letter. This abhorred practice left women dejected, with absolutely no option to approach the judiciary, since the practice was bound by strings of estranged beliefs within the Muslim faith. 
With the Supreme Court, voting 3-2, in favor of doing away with #TripleTalaq, it gives hope to the hundreds and thousands of Muslim women in India, who have, for years suffered in the hands of this ill practice. 
No more, shall #Triple Talaq be a dangling sword above their heads. A wee bit of the credit must be given to the current National Democratic Alliance (NDA) Government for being by the side of these women and pressing for their case of justice.
It's time to hold heads high, Begums and stand tall! November rains have come in early and this verdict is the beginning of totally amazing days in your lives! 
#TripleTalaqVerdictEmpowers by @harryrockerz 👏


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