One ARK - Act of Random Kindness

                                                            Photo via VisualHunt

Kindness can come in small packages, however have a long lasting impact in the lives of people. 
Yes, one ARK can leave a everlasting impression in anyone's life. Kindness multiplies in amounts un-thought of, develops relations and improves social status of an individual. 
As in Genesis 6.14 of The Holy Bible - Thou shall build an ARK for entire humanity, to save it from the floods and give humanity a chance to survive for a long time. 
That ARK - is Noah's ARK, created to get everyone on-board and save the world in the process. Everyone deserves a chance to be loved and that my friend, can make living a happy deal. 
Be KindShare the LoveGather together and let love find ways to touch everyone's life.
#Believe in the power of humanity
#buildanark by @harryrockerz


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