Step on to the #culturemachine 😍

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In a land of 29 states, around a dozen union territories, and languages many, let's step on to the #culturemachine

It's nothing but a small effort from our side, to avoid cringing at, vilifying or mocking one's beliefs and customs. Being more accepting and putting an arm around the neck of our kind, which is a feeling paramount. 👶

Culture is derived from years of practice, while developing a sense of pride towards rites and rituals. It sensitizes individuals to continue on the right path, and befriend new 'travelers' in the process. 😇

In the process of 'accepting', be sure to draw a thin line, between communal harmony and radical extremism, as the later can be a detriment to societal upheaval. It challenges the very fact of the nation, being sovereign, peaceful and democratic, and corresponding sinful acts, jeopardize the lives of millions, who call this land, their home! 👏🏼

The #culturemachine oils through the toil of people, in understanding each other, under bright sunshine, and avoids the dark clouds of uncertainty, which cause a disparity in thought processes. 🌟

The #culturemachine needs to be consistently attuned to be more inviting, believing and aim-fully upright, in what it can achieve; which is actually a 'lot more of love' and pesting away of relational irregularities. 💆🏻‍♂

The #culturemachine, motors along, with the hope of bringing people of varied faiths, cults, races and figures, together at the altar of truth. 🐚

#CultureMachine 👣 com-busted by @harryrockerz 😉🙌


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