Staying idle with ideals - *#commonissue* ☺

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We all enjoy being idealistic. Ideals have been en-grained into each one of us, since the stage of toddler-hood. There has been a constant banging into our heads, that ideals maketh your life complete. 😍😘😇

Some traits of honesty, faith, love, affection, compassion and simplicity to name a few, are essentials, that our textbooks have always had examples of. 🙏

I shudder to think, how much of these ideals are implemented in the real world. A world which currently is reeling under malice, jealousy, dishonesty, individualism and constant war mongering. ⚔📌📝

Diplomacy and face value talk have taken over peace and brotherhood-ness. Is it true that, saving one's skin and caring for his/her kith and kin, must be the only rule of survival? 😛

Are we talking about a world, where people must care for themselves first, lock away their prized possessions and stay cut throat at everything? 😏😬

Isn't there space for harmony and synergies, that allow consistent growth for all? Where lives can be led, in a manner found befitting to the individual, without the imposition of radical thoughts? 💡⚖🔮

Gosh! Idealism. I hope you were true, in every sense and not just printed in text books and grandma stories. 🎀📜

Ideals - please help set the foundation of the coming decades and beyond. 🙌🏻👏🏼🌟

#WeNeedThem to thrive personally and for humanity too! 👪💐✅

#worldlygrasps by @harryrockerz 😁


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