I'm a vegetarian, uff!

Photo by <a href="https://visualhunt.com/author/f3625e">wuestenigel</a> on <a href="https://visualhunt.com/re/9edb05">Visualhunt</a> / <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/"> CC BY</a>

I saw a mini tiff between the sandwich shop owner and a working woman last week! It wasn't a pretty sight, since it involved her beliefs v/s the sandwich maker's ability to convince her, that he heard her incorrectly. 
Welcome to the #VegvsNonVeg debate, where dietary concerns, led with religious beliefs are strictly followed, and any blip in the process by food creators can cost them precious customers and create a lot of heartburn. 
May I add, in a complex, food loving nation like ours, catering to vegetarians needs to be dealt with much care, not because people look at them differently, however simply since food defines people, and can lead to a furor!
I have all the respect for vegetarians and how they manage to keep themselves in check, in spite of missing out a few lean protein foods, which the meat eaters enjoy. Yet, here's a guide for strict vegetarians/median vegetarian in our country. Just my views, trash or mash them as you please -
(1) Give the meat eater a chance to explain why he/she eats the meat, your highness! Don't ambush their thought process.
(2) If a glitch happens by a restaurateur, be considerate and understand what went wrong in the ordering process. Chances are that an incorrect order was conveyed. It's tough to be caught in a spot, yet let's be considerate.
(3) Spell out certain rhyming food words. Omelette needn't be just a word associated with eggs. There are vegetarian omelettes (surprise, surprise!) made of gram flour. A chilli dog needn't be considered as a salsa based hot dog per se. It can also be a green chilli cheese baugette roll, in certain parts of the country. A quick check with the bearer always helps. 
(4) Chances are the non vegetarian next to you, could be a very generous person, and offer you the space to eat your food in peace. Let's not look down on people, just because they eat meats voraciously. If there is a concern, address it directly and if no solution is found, de-friend and walk to the next best location. We are all entitled to a safe corner, to eat meals languidly. 
(5) Sometimes, the worst can happen and one gets to munch into the wrong kind of food. Please don't worry. Mistakes happen, and the Lord does forgive mistakes. If you do feel vindicated or have an inkling of foul play by some smart alecs, chances are such people aren't needed in your life! 
Honestly, coexistence of people with varied dietary preferences can happen. It's all about managing people well, and getting to know the other person better! Food has the vibes that can get a many tribes together.
#Eatlikenooneiswatching, since food really defines us all!
#EatSleepRepeat by @harryrockerz


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