Cyber bullying - A societal misfit!

Photo by <a href="">wentongg</a> on <a href="">VisualHunt</a> / <a href=""> CC BY</a>

I've heard and read of cyber bullying and the effects it has on people. I sometimes wonder what can be so drastic on the internet, that it makes someone cut short his/her life just because of the agony one has to go through!
Let's dive deep into what cyber bullying is all about, and how a certain level of shaming can be the fuel for someone to do something as drastic, as driving themselves towards the death rattle.
Cyber bullying is a form of rebuttal or rebuking over the internet. It generally involves a lot of difference in opinions and complemented messaging, which drives animosity, hatred and jealousy towards a person. It can sometimes get extremely personal and lead to character vilification. 
Cyber bullying is also one of the many evils on the internet, as there can never be any control of it, unless and until cyber laws get stricter and streamlined. The matter of concern here are cyber laws intended to safeguard the security of a person against programmed attacks or service denials. It doesn't cover the human aspect in totality, which unfortunately is a loose end that hasn't been addressed. 
Every fortnight or lesser, issues of cyber bullying are visible on the internet. The recent one, involving a female Canadian adult star aged 23, is a shocking example of how cyber bullying can get extremely personal and effect the psyche of an individual. 
August Ames (screen name) was voicing her opinion about starring in a movie, involving gay stars; and it blew out of proportion. People started questioning her ethics and opinions, simply because she was part of an industry, which needs a certain level of frankness and openness. Yet, she was very much within her right to choose what she felt comfortable with. Such was the intensity of the online drama, that she couldn't bear it, which led to her committing suicide.
Taken so young, she was an advocate of child abuse and extended her support for many women rights campaigns.
Moving further, let's try to understand the premise behind cyber bullying:
  1. At times, small comments online can blow out of proportion. The fact of the matter is none of us can decipher the DNA mapping of an individual, and how strong he/she is about dealing with harsh comments
  2. It's important to stick to your opinions, and let the chirping continue. One needs a strong heart to ensure that he/she remains unfazed
  3. Scandalous videos and nudity are very demeaning and can instantly put off a person. If anyone encounters such issues, it must be dealt with utmost care, as personal shaming generally goes to the head, and makes individuals react impulsively 
  4. Weighing-in opinions online are essential. Reacting to every comment can only make life miserable. An important aspect here is to opine only when the conversation can be deemed healthy
  5. Befriend people with caution - The internet is a wonderful place to connect and interact with like minded individuals. What's more important though is maintaining boundaries that are strictly adhered to to provide peace of mind
Cyber bullying is unfortunately an activity that is lurking around, minus any intimation. It's upon us to ensure that we keep the internet safe, and report any malpractices to the right communities online; to help nip this social evil from the bud.
Be a good internet user. Next time, you witness any activity closely related to cyber bullying, exercise the power to report online. You might be saving a lot of simple, honest lives in the process.
#AnnihilateCyberBullying by @harryrockerz


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