Does Something Like A Male Ego, Exist?

Ego in itself is a dangerous word. It shapes up into self-centralism and is detrimental to any person's life. Add the word 'Male' before that and you have a recipe for world disaster (well, almost) right in front of you.

Women activists, liberalists and social change groups will be breathing down one's neck, whenever and wherever they get the slightest sniff of it. I understand the Male Ego has developed through centuries of considering males as the only breadwinners of a family.

Thanks to evolution, women have a say in all family matters and their opinions are counted in the 21st century. Once every couple of years, the topic of  Male vs Female crops up. Well, mostly Male dominance vs Female sensitivities.

Some men take this topic seriously, like it is a matter of life and death, while some live in the present and go with the flow. I would like to assume that I belong to the latter, considering the fact that a lot of my professional endeavors are judged and ratified by women who hold corporate positions.

Though the ingenuity and concern accompanied by having women at the helm of activities looks positive, it does take time for men to understand the bigger picture. Also, IMO, women need to understand when a man needs to be left alone and when he needs to be rattled to get the best out of him.

Vice-versa, with men at helm of activities, understanding a woman's perspective will always brings in a certain freshness in discussions.

My intention is not to portray or preach who is more superior within the race, rather it is an effort to bridge any gaps between this never-ending "who-is-better" saga.

I believe egos exist only because they are not nipped in the bud at the beginning. Though the usual sniggering and lewd comments will exist and have to be dealt with seriously; maintaining amicable relations will go a long way in fostering an ecosystem of coexistence.


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